Pollock Clinics Asked To Share Their Expertise In The World Vasectomy Day’s Webinar On Fascial Interposition
Health - Trend Magazine originally published at Health - Trend Magazine
Dr. Neil Pollock

Dr. Jack Chang
Dr. Pollock and Dr. Chang were expert presenters at the online seminar organised by the world’s largest male focused family planning movement.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, July 12, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — On June 18th, as part of the WVD Webinar Series and Father’s Day Special, Dr. Pollock and Dr. Chang from Pollock Clinics in Vancouver were among the selected international panel of expert vasectomy surgeons presenting at the Nuts and Bolts of Fascial Interposition webinar.
A truly global event, the webinar attracted close to 500 people from over 30 countries.
During the event, Dr. Pollock and Dr. Chang shared their knowledge as some of the world’s foremost experts in No-Scalpel Vasectomy on how to perform vasectomy with fascial interposition using suture.
Dr. Neil Pollock and Dr. Jack Chang began their careers as family physicians who soon after dedicated their practice to vasectomy, circumcision, and men’s sexual health at Pollock Clinics in Vancouver, Canada.
They were trained in No-Scalpel Vasectomy in 1997 and 2014, respectively. Since then, they performed over 60,000 procedures using a sutured fascial interposition approach.
They participated in international training for vasectomy/circumcision in Haiti, Rwanda, Philippines, and Kenya.
Dr. Neil Pollock/Dr. Jack Chang
Pollock Clinics
+1 604-717-6200
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World Vasectomy Day’s Webinar on Fascial Interposition – Expert Presenters Dr. Neil Pollock & Dr. Jack Chang
Health - Trend Magazine originally published at Health - Trend Magazine