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Observing Global Day of Parents, June 1st

Health - Trend Magazine originally published at Health - Trend Magazine

What’s a party without cake?!

Parents Forum logo: house with open door and five-section fan light (window) over the door to represent the five areas of our lives: self, relationships, work, leisure and service.

Come Share Your Strength

In honor of Global Day of Parents, Parents Forum calls for inquiries from agencies interested in using the program’s unique parent peer support model.

Universal parenting education and consistent national gun safety legislation are both needed to counter the violence in our country, one a long-term challenge, the other an immediate, critical need.”

— Eve Sullivan, Parents Forum Founder

CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA, June 1, 2022 / — To celebrate June 1, Global Day of Parents, Parents Forum co-directors Djamel Bekkai and Eve Sullivan met with Cambridge (Mass.) school committeeman David Weinstein and Cambridge Local First executive director Theodora Skeadas, each sharing memories of their own parents. “Support for parents today was on our minds given the recent appalling events in Uvalde and Buffalo,” said Parents Forum founder Eve Sullivan, “Universal parenting education and consistent national gun safety legislation are both needed to counter the tides of violence in our country, one a long-term challenge, the other an immediate, critical need.”

Global Day of Parents will also be marked Thursday, June 2, at 1:00pm ET by the Universal Peace Federation and the NGO Committee on the Family in New York with a webinar “Honoring Mothers’ and Fathers’ Hard and Gratifying Journey”. Speakers will be Lynn Walsh, Dr. Carolyn Pape Cowan and Dr. Philip A. Cowan.

Parents Forum is calling for inquiries from school and agencies interested in using the program’s unique parent peer support model to engage and serve parents in their communities. Current partner The Confess Project in Little Rock, Arkansas, recently concluded a Parents Forum workshop whose participants gave the program top marks, saying, “It’s good to know that other people are going through the same things as me. I loved everything about the group.”

Leaders of community-based organizations, elected officials and individuals are urged to contact Parents Forum before August 1, Respect for Parents Day, to have their partnership request considered for the coming school year.

Eve Odiorne Sullivan
Parents Forum
+1 617-233-7890
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Health - Trend Magazine originally published at Health - Trend Magazine

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